We live in a time when our actions and decisions are of decisive importance, not just for ourselves, but for all life on Earth now and far into the future. The solutions to the crises we face are systemic and cannot be solved in isolation and alone, but we all have a small part of the world, of (the) answer, in our hands. Therefore, it is up to us to act responsibly and wisely.
EarthWays started in 2020 with a vision to explore, develop and create learning spaces for how we transform our thought and action patterns in practice, so that our culture's impact on the Earth goes from being predominantly destructive to being regenerative. We work to bring our way of life into conformity and harmony with the basic conditions for life on Earth - EarthWays.
Nature's ABCD
We do this based on a nature-based education that actively strengthens attention, sensuality and understanding of people's connectedness with nature as well as the universal whole that we are born from and embedded in. Man's inner and outer nature, actions and stories are connected. Therefore, our approach is holistic and our areas of work span culture, art, lifestyles and agriculture: all with a focus on the fact that the health of the Earth and people are connected.
We want to inspire and create a framework for an open dialogue about how we find new ways based on an approach that actively strengthens attention, sensuality and understanding of people's connectedness with nature and the universal whole that we are born from and embedded in. Our work is based on "Nature's ABCD" - a learning model which forms the basis for a holistic approach to learning, design, innovation and the way we create new relationships and communities.

The work to develop a new educational and educational concept, which is based on systems and holistic thinking and which seeks to identify and describe the skills and the framework of understanding that all people and future generations should have in order to live ecologically soundly on Earth, is a open process. The questions are just as important to us as the answers that may appear along the way. It is on this basis and with this approach that we unfold the vision of transforming our culture so that we humans become a regenerating force on Earth.