Nature's Basic Law Meeting is a common, popular and inter-species conversation about the future of democracy and a step on the way towards the formulation of a legal basis that can be written into our legislation and thus secure the rights of nature. The meeting is a recurring gathering that aims to revitalize Himmelbjerget as a cultural meeting point, and where we can discuss, explore and experience what it means to give nature a voice. We meet to discuss how together we can take the first steps towards the formulation of a Basic Law of Nature and a legal basis that can be written into the Basic Law and contribute to securing nature's rights.
You can read more about the program for Nature's Constitution meeting on 2 June 2024 at This year the nature's constitution speech is given by Mickey Gjerris and the meeting is organized in collaboration with Stop Ecocide Denmark, Grønne Nabofællesskaber, Det Fælles Beste, Klimakademiet, Permakultur Denmark, Sager Der Samler, Arternes Ambassadors, De Unge Biodiversitäsambassadors, Jordens Skole, Earthwise Residency and CUHRE. You can register for the day here (participation is free).
A further development of democracy
Himmelbjerget has throughout time been a gathering point for visionary thoughts. It was here, back in 1839, that Steen Steensen Blicher called the Danish population to a public meeting and spread the visionary thoughts that underlie democracy, the cooperative idea and the college movement. The ambition for Nature's Constitution Meeting is to create a public framework for a reflective and joint conversation about a new path from Blicher and Grundtvig to Gaia and the community of life.
The current situation calls for a new global people's movement that, with an expanded concept of democracy, not only operates with human rights, but also gives nature and its diversity of species and ecosystems a voice and rights. We will have to accept that nature has value in itself if we are to ensure a future where future generations can thrive.
At the Nature's Constitution meeting in 2023, we discussed a draft of "Denmark's Green Basic Law", which was written by a working group whose task was to create a debate paper based on the idea of a of nature constitution. The Green Basic Law must be considered as a kick-start in the debate about the legal way forward towards nature getting a voice in our legislation and developing as its points are turned and twisted. You can read The Green Basic Law here.