Workshop on regeneration in learning communities
EarthTalk with Phie Ambo
Friday 19 April 2024
How do we create transformative learning spaces that strengthen attention, sensibility and understanding of people's connectedness with nature, and learn to recreate and re-establish life-promoting relationships with nature, with the earth and with each other?
This workshop day offers inspiration, conversation and hands-on experience in creating regenerative learning spaces. We want to explore regenerative methods and practices together with teachers, mediators, facilitators and everyone else who is passionate about regenerative and transformative learning and who wants to participate in a reflective effort to openly and listeningly enter into the conversation of nature.
EarthWays is working towards establishing a Center for Regenerative Learning at Himmelbjerggården as a meeting point for people who work with regeneration and learning. We work to develop and create learning spaces for how we transform our thought and action patterns in practice, so that people can live ecologically soundly on Earth.
This workshop day is the first in a series of meetings that point towards an international conference on regenerative learning in 2025. Come and join us as we take the next step in the journey of developing a holistic approach to learning, design, innovation and the way we create new relationships and communities.
12.00-13.00: Check-in in the main building
13.00-13.45: Welcome, joint introduction and presentation on regenerative learning
14.00-15.30: Workshops on creating learning experiences
16.00-17.00: Experiences and discussion across the groups
17.00-17.45: Gathering and joint round-up
18.00-19.00: Dinner
19.30-21.00: EarthTalk with documentary film director Phi Ambo

The price for participation in the entire day's program is DKK 500 / DKK 350 for members. (Membership of the association EarthWays costs DKK 250 per year and gives up to 30% discount on our events.)
If you only want to participate in the afternoon's workshop or the evening's EarthTalk, the price is:
DKK 250 for workshop / DKK 150 for members
DKK 150 for EarthTalk / DKK 100 for members. EarthTalks is a conversation series about the regeneration of our inner and outer nature. Phi Ambo has for many years made films about the climate and biodiversity crisis, i.a. in her latest film "Organised Wildness", which examines the rewilding project in Hammer Bakker.
Dinner costs DKK 100.
Signing up for info@earthways.dk. It is possible to spend the night at Himmelbjerggården.