Rooting in the Web of Life: In-depth workshop in Work That Reconnects

August 23 – August 28

With Liene Jurgelāne, Jesper Saxgren, duck Jeppe Graugaard to Himmelbjerggarden, Ry, Denmark

Register here (the working language is English)

"When you look at what is happening to our world – and it is hard to look at what's happening to our water, our air, our trees, our fellow species – it becomes clear that unless you have some roots in a spiritual practice that holds life sacred and encourages joyful communion with all your fellow beings, facing the enormous challenges ahead becomes nearly impossible.”

Joanna Macy

Work That Reconnects is a dynamic, interactive group process that unfolds a powerful framework for personal and collective empowerment in the face of the world's escalating ecological and social crises.

Developed by Joanna Macy – an eco-philosopher and a leading voice in movements for peace and justice – and her colleagues, the Work That Reconnects draws upon deep ecology, systems thinking, and spiritual traditions to unfold a step-by-step process that helps people reconnect with their inner selves, their community, and the broader web of life. To move from a sense of isolation to a sense of community and participation; from eco-anxiety and overwhelm to inspired action.

The 5-day workshop is a full immersion in the core ideas and practices of the Work That Reconnects and structured around a guiding Spiral that flows through four stages of the Work that Reconnects: Coming from Gratitude, Honoring Our Pain for the World, Seeing with New & Ancient Eyes, and Going Forth.

The workshop is facilitated by Liene Jurgelāne, Jesper Saxgren, duck Jeppe Graugaard. Liene is an anthropologist and facilitator with 15 years of experience in holding engaging learning spaces, rituals and Earth-based ceremonies. She is also a trained Work that Reconnects facilitator and member of the global network of WTR facilitators. Jesper has over 40 years' experience in the fields of ecology, permaculture, agro-ecological farming, watershed and ecosystems management. Jesper has been learning with indigenous people of North America and been working as a teacher, facilitator and consultant in Denmark as well as with NGOs in Nepal, Ghana, Bolivia and Bhutan. Jeppe has been working with global ecology and social transformation as a researcher and teacher for the last two decades. His work centers on creating learning spaces for the skills, practices and ways of being that can help navigate the uncertainties of our time. Learn more about the host and facilitators here:

What to expect

Deepened Connection with the living Earth

Engage intimately with the living Earth through participating in guided immersions outdoors, exploring practices that help tap into the wisdom of more-than-humans, and re:connecting with your role in the larger ecosystem of the Earth.

Sense of Community and Belonging

Experience the power of collective wisdom in a supportive, inclusive community. Sharing circles, group discussions and creative practices will offer a space for connection and reflection with others
people who care deeply about our planet.

Strengthened Emotional Resilience

Work that Reconnects offers simple yet powerful practices for expressing and processing emotions about the ecological and social challenges of our times and moving from despair into inspired action.

Tools for Action

Walk away with a renewed sense of purpose and practical tools to make a tangible difference in your personal life and broader communities in connection with life-sustaining practices.

Why join us

Experienced Facilitators

Learn from dedicated practitioners who embody the principles of the Work That Reconnects and Regenerative Learning and are skilled in fostering transformative group experiences.

Integrative Approach

The workshop invites the whole of you into the learning – using a holistic blend of theoretical teachings, experiential and creative tasks, and reflective practices.

Inspiring and Regenerative Environment

Surrounded by forested hills, lakes and valleys in the middle of some of Denmark's most beautiful nature, Himmelbjerggarden, with its 20 hectares of land and 6,000 m2 of buildings, is an ideal location to work with regenerative strategies and recreate nature and species-rich habitats with great diversity as a reference space and experimental center for experiential and hands-on regenerative learning activities.


Workshop duration

We will start in the afternoon of August 23, and end with lunch on August 28. You are required to participate for the entire duration of the workshop.

Participation fee
  • 5250 DKK, with accommodation in a single room
  • DKK 4500, with accommodation in a double room
  • 4000 DKK, if staying in own tent

DKK 500 are paid upon registration and the remaining in the beginning of July.
We have a small scholarship fund for those in financial need. If that's you, please apply via the form below.


Reserve your spot by filling in this form and paying the registration fee of DKK 500 here before June 21. The workshop only takes place if the group is full. You will be informed about this before June 28. If the group is full you will receive a confirmation and instructions on how to settle the remaining fee. If the group is not full, you will receive a refund of the registration fee.

Workshop plan

The workshops begin on Friday 23rd of August and end on Wednesday 28th.

Through these stages, the Work That Reconnects cultivates resilience, fosters a profound sense of interconnectedness, and inspires active participation in the healing and thriving of our world. You will be invited to embark on this journey not just as an individual, but as an integral thread in the web of life, playing a unique and crucial role in the collective story of renewal and regeneration. You can learn more about this work at